TS ICET, TS LAWCET 2022: TSCHE extends registration dates, here’s how to apply
TS ICET, TS LAWCET 2022: TSCHE extends registration dates, here’s how to apply
TS ICET, TS LAWCET 2022 registration dates have been extended. Candidates who want to apply for the examinations mentioned above can do it through the official site of TS ICET on icet.tsche.ac.in and TS LAWCET on lawcet.tsche.ac.in.
TS ICET, TS LAWCET 2022 registration dates have been extended. Candidates who want to apply for the examinations mentioned above can do it through the official site of TS ICET on icet.tsche.ac.in and TS LAWCET on lawcet.tsche.ac.in.